Saturday, 19 February 2011

Crumpler Heritage Hitches Hip Ride on Treadlie!

Check out this sweet new ride on Melbourne's newest Bike Berzerk Blog and now, Magazine!
Because backintheday, some 15 years ago, the very first Crumpler bags were stitched up by Stu from truck tarp canvas! Roots, man, roootsszzz... :-)

What camera bag would you recommend to carry an iPad and DSLR with a couple of lenses ???

The Crumpler Six Million Dollar Home is my favorite shoulder bag, it's like a 5 Mill for chunkier pro gear and as such I like to lug a big dslr with a prime lens, standard or wide zoom attached, a 70-200 f2.8 alongside, and maybe a speedlight , just in case... It's also a good size for a more comprehensive prosumer kit or...

I get all the tricky photo and video related customer service questions at Crumpler HQ... Here's a recent corker!
Q: "What camera bag would you recommend to carry an iPad and DSLR with a couple of lenses ???"
"Hi B - I was able to configure a 6 Million Dollar Home to suit that setup.

Rip out all the dividers, fold the 4 velcros back on the 2 large middle pieces, make a box shape from the middle 4 pieces, add the 2 side pieces to the rear outer edges of the box.
Insert into Home and unfold the folded back velcro at the front to anchor the insert. (Easier to insert this way)
The gear should also help hold everthing in place...

Should be good for D300 with or without grip, attached standard lens and 2 extra lenses or lens and speedlight - and an iPad!

Use a Crumpler Fug on the iPad for more protection.

If you have bags for your lenses you can use any of our Laptop Shoulder Bags for a similar, if somewhat less organized setup.
E.G. iPad in Fug in front pocket, camera and lens in laptop slot, lens in bag/s in cargo pocket.
Skivvies for just the camera and lens - iPad in Fug in front pocket.
Embarrassments are less padded in the cargo area than the others which can be advantageous or not depending on your needs... Cheers, BBB"

Apologies for the shockenhausen camera phone pix :-P !!!

Crumpler does the Eagle Rock!

Whilst I've been locked solidly into the Crumpler studio in Kensington, either pushing buttons, or getting hooked on (Wacom) tablets (that is, shooting bags or retouching images) I still get to live vicariously through other's adventures, ususally when they get in contact to ask for the skinny on our camera and tech bags, most of which are perfect for travellers! And we *always* ask to stay in touch. Here's a reply, mid trip, from M + K...

"We've finally returned from Africa, and have some photos of Crumpler in the wild. Africa was incredible - so much life and death, and such harsh conditions to live in! These photos were taken on top of Eagle Rock, just inside Botswana in the Tuli Block, where we participated in a wildlife conservation and research project for a couple of weeks.

The C-list Celebrity worked beautifully, fitting all our camera gear in for the flights and transfers around Africa. When fully loaded it exceeded 8 kgs, but the stitching and material easily held up to the weight, and it also remained dust free inside despite the dusty conditions we encountered.

We used Industry Disgrace camera straps for our cameras and binoculars, which were always very comfortable, even in the 40+ degree heat and sweaty conditions."

We'd like to thank the pair for staying in touch, and for their feedback and photos - AWESOME!
Pictured: Canon IS binoculars on the Crumpler Industry Disgrace .

Tang of Crumpler Love!

Via our wonderful Global Marketing Supremo:
"I just received your gift. Just want to say "Thank you"! :)
P.S. I'm too happy. I forgot clean up my desktop before I take this photo.
A pic of some current Crumpler promo items, a gift for participating in Crumpler's "I heart my Crumpler" comp last year...

Crumpler, Flickr and BOS 2010

Cliquez zee piccie for deez!

Still time to win a Limited Edition CNY Crumper at Habitus

Surely one of the most desirable Bags we've ever released is up for grabs at Habitus Living !
Now we don't just love Habitus because its a coolasacucumber design blog, nay they also broke news on our hot-with-three-tee's range of tech bags, A.K.A. The Heist! Mutually inclusive lurve,wot?

Dungog Film Festival 2011

The past few years Crumpler has been sponsoring the Dungog Film Festival and it's all on again this March 2011. Wot da? Well apparently it's "THE WORLD'S BIGGEST FESTIVAL OF AUSTRALIAN FILMS", so of course we're sponsors! Here's a pic from last year's showing volunteers getting exited in their festy clobber AND exceedingly handsome customized Crumpler bags - 'cos the Dungog graphos rule! Detail coming soon :-)